Top 5 TMJ Exercises

TMJ issue happens when something turns out badly with your jaw joints and jaw muscles. As a rule, this happens due to jaw damage, inflammation, for example, with joint pain, or overuse. Exercising is important for any person’s overall good health. However, for people with moderate or severe TMJ pain, we recommend an SF chiropractor’s assessment first.

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TMJ Specialist in San Francisco

Home » TMJ pain

Do you have TMJ pain? Do you wake up with jaw pain on one side?

It’s summertime, and you’re attempting to juggle a hectic work routine and vacation. Simply put, you’re on the grind — yet what sort of grind?

Maybe your friend has pointed out that you have been grinding your teeth, a formal or involuntary activity likewise known to be called bruxism, for the day or, all the more frequently, during the night.

Have questions? Our TMJ expert in San Francisco can offer guidance.

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