Laser therapy stimulates damaged cells to produce cellular energy. At the same time, it enhances the permeability of the cell membrane.
When cells are more permeable, the electrolytes (e.g., sodium, potassium) responsible for regulating cellular energy can enter and leave more freely. This enhances circulation and speeds up the exchange of energy, waste, nutrients, and other cellular building blocks.
Experience faster and more thorough cell regeneration.
Additionally, it improves the elasticity of injured tissues.
Whether you need laser therapy for back pain or laser therapy for knee pain, the stimulation of laser energy can improve the quality of healing because you’re less likely to re-injure yourself when healing is happening quickly. This is why so many professional athletes get laser light therapy for pain when recovering from injuries.
Recover from injuries faster and better.
Laser therapy also modulates pain. This means it can alter the pathways pain signals take. As a result, you feel less intense pain.
Finally, red light laser therapy can reduce inflammation.
Because the cells are healing faster, the immune system doesn’t need to flood the area with fluid and immune cells. It can take a more measured response.
This cold laser is powerful—but gentle. We can use laser treatment for pain immediately on acute injuries and over metal implants.
Right away, it improves healing speed and quality for acute injury recovery.
It also aids in resolving chronic complaints.
Say goodbye to arthritis and nerve pain.