7 Delayed Symptoms After a Car Accident

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Despite how severe or fatal a car accident is, it is a terrifying experience. People tend to react differently when they experience a crash. Some lose pieces of their memory, while many others find it difficult to think clearly with their heads filled with scenes from the crash.

In addition to these emotional and mental miseries, most often victims are left with injuries that are pretty difficult to notice amidst the turmoil. These injuries sometimes take a couple of days to a week before they present with symptoms. The first six weeks following an injury caused by an auto crash, are usually unimaginable. Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy are typically part of the healing team. But if after these few weeks, the pains remain persistent, it’s advisable to seek the services of a qualified pain management specialist. This applies to other types of traumas such as bicycle accidents as well. 

For accident victims, here are a couple of common symptoms that are likely to surface several days after the crash.

auto accident headache migraine

1. Headaches or Migraines

After an auto accident, there is every tendency that the victim will experience headaches after a couple of days. Most often, these headaches indicate dysfunction to the neck or head. It can also be something more serious such as a blood clot on the brain to mention but a few.

2. Dizziness

It is unfortunate that it’s simple to overlook a headache or even dizziness post-car accident. You may assume it’s just a headache or may blame it on stress. However, not giving importance to dizziness, vision problems or other symptoms of a head injury can be deadly. If your head has had an impact or something similar, it is a good idea to visit your healthcare provider. Just in case, he or she will evaluate for a concussion or brain injury. It is also important to get seen if you develop brain injury symptoms days after your accident. It could be a medical emergency.

back pain car accident

3. Back pain

Injuries to the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and vertebrae, after an auto crash, can cause your back pain. If the back remains unchecked or treated, muscle knots may form. Muscle knots are lumps that are the result of entangled muscle fibers that are bunched together and unable to relax. Once knots have taken hold with your back, it may delay recovery times.

Back & Neck Pain Center reports that “Low back pain found in approximately half of the victims of rear impact collisions and about three-quarters of side-impact accidents.” To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

whiplash neck pain

4. Neck or shoulder pain or stiffness 

What is Whiplash? Whiplash is medically defined as a delayed symptom of injury that is affiliated with car accidents. Shoulder pain and neck pain are common points of aggravation after whiplash injury.

“A good number of whiplash injuries develop owing to rear-end motor vehicle crashes at speeds roughly below 14 miles per hour.”

Whiplash injuries can be tough to pinpoint. Sometimes it may be necessary for an X-Ray or CT scan or even an MRI for adequate diagnosis. 

5. Changes in personality or physical function

Hearing and vision deficiency, impaired reasoning, and depression are some signs that indicate traumatic brain injury resulting from a concussion. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that auto crashes are the third leading causes of traumatic brain injuries and the second leading factor of death as a result of traumatized brain injuries.

6. Numbness

When you are unable to feel your arms and hands, you are likely to be suffering from a type of whiplash injury known as whiplash associated disorder. This loss is associated with spinal or neck damage. About 20 percent of the people related to rear-end auto crashes tend to develop this symptom of whiplash.

7. Abdominal pain or swelling

Pain or swelling on or around the abdomen are signs of possible internal bleeding. This can be undiscovered for several hours or even days. Other symptoms are dizziness, fainting, as well as vast areas of deep purple bruising. The services of skilled and experienced practitioners are needed to identify the internal bleeding as it could be life-threatening. Internal bleeding can go unnoticed for hours to days.  Additionally, if any symptoms appear several days after the accident, it is essential also to schedule an appointment with a qualified SF chiropractor for immediate treatment and to avoid potential future problems. To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

Continue reading about the most forgotten symptom after a crash with these helpful resources: