Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (or Cosmetic Acupuncture) has been practiced for thousands of years. Even in ancient China, they valued preserving one’s youth. The beauty of this non-surgical procedure is it enhances vitality from the inside out. Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture is safe. It is a natural alternative to Botox, fillers, and surgery.
The results are not as dramatic as more invasive procedures but will leave you looking like a younger, more radiant “You” without the stigma and recovery time associated with surgery.
- Lift sagging
- Eliminate fine lines
- Sculpt your jawline and cheekbones
- Get rid of bags under your eyes
- Even skin tone
- Remove from stress from the face and relax your face muscles
….all without having to go under the knife!
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Cosmetic Acupuncture Works Two-Fold
The way Cosmetic Acupuncture works is two-fold; superficially and by correcting imbalances internally that lead to signs of aging on the face. At the level of the skin, the insertion of acupuncture needles creates a micro-trauma that initiates an anti-inflammatory response. This enhances collagen production thereby eliminating fine lines. It reduces wrinkles and pores and evens skin tone.
The needles also fight the effects of gravity by encouraging Qi to flow upwards. This brightens and lifts the eyes, firms jowls, and sculpts jawline and cheekbones.
Internally, acupuncture helps to regulate the lymphatic system in order to reduce puffiness and redness, supports the adrenals to eliminate bags under the eyes, and alleviates stress. These types of stressors are the main cause of early aging. Addressing these root causes within the body is the key to lasting health and beauty.
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The suggested protocol for Cosmetic or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is treatment once a week for 10 weeks or twice a week for five weeks. This pace will yield a noticeably younger, more vibrant and rejuvenated ‘you’ for the next 2 to 3 years. Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture treatments always include needles on the body. Your entire system will enjoy a reboot over the course of the treatment.
So, if you live or work near the San Francisco Telegraph Hill – North Beach – Financial District and feel you would be a good candidate for our treatments, we would love to meet you. To experience the benefits of acupuncture, schedule an initial consultation for evaluation and first treatment.