Scoliosis Home Screening

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Treating scoliosis is a race against time. If you catch it on the upward swing, the correct exercises can help reduce curvature and symptoms.

It is unfortunate that many cases aren’t identified until the curve of the spine is too advanced. At that moment, treatment becomes more arduous and the risk of progression increases threefold.

Scoliosis Home Screening

scoliosis home screening                 Graphic by Scoli-Smart Clinics

Here are some common scoliosis symptoms to look for:

  • an uneven shoulder blade.
  • shoulder blade winging where it looks like a side sticks out more.
  • hips are uneven.
  • shallow breaths due to rib cage constriction.
  • middle or lower back pain.

Can scoliosis go away on its own?

Scoliosis curves do not straighten out on their own. Cases with slight curves at an early age may be left untreated. In these cases, your child may grow up to lead a normal life—but their small curves never go away. This does not guarantee your child to be pain-free at an older age where imbalances may become more prominent. If you choose not to seek treatment when larger curves are observed, they must be managed through palliative care.

If you are looking to recover from a scoliosis injury and would like to find out if you are a candidate for our scoliosis treatment we would like to meet you.

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.