Scoliosis Home Screening

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Treating scoliosis is a race against time. If you catch it on the upward swing, the correct exercises can help reduce curvature and symptoms.

It is unfortunate that many cases aren’t identified until the curve of the spine is too advanced. At that moment, treatment becomes more arduous and the risk of progression increases threefold.

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Can My Chiropractor Fix Scoliosis?

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One of the most common questions asked by patients and skeptics is “Can scoliosis be fixed by a chiropractor?

Most of the times, we have heard this question from people who have in the past had some poor experience with chiropractors. Probably what they were promised wasn’t what they got in addition to a couple of other reasons.

I strongly believe that a chiropractor can assist you in improving your life’s quality. But the answer to the above question requires a more in-depth analysis.

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