Chiropractor Cost

What Does a Chiropractor Cost? The Value of Chiropractic

Cost of Chiropractor

You’re in pain. Maybe it’s your back. Maybe your neck. Or knee pain. You’ve heard chiropractic can help. But you’re asking, “How much does a chiropractor cost?” You’re not alone. A lot of people wonder if it’s worth the money. Let me show you why people say the value justifies the cost.

More Than a Quick Fix

Chiropractic care isn’t just about cracking bones. It’s about long-term health. When you come in for a chiropractor full-body adjustment or treatment, you’re not just getting temporary relief. You’re investing less pain now PLUS your future well-being.

So, when you’re thinking:“How much does a chiropractor cost per visit near me?” The better question is, what’s the value of getting back to your best self?

I had a patient, Jill (not her real name, of course), who came in for lower back pain. She told me she hesitated to schedule that initial consultation because she worried about the cost of chiropractic care. She thought it was a one-time deal, like a massage, where you get one every once in a while. You feel better for a couple of days but don’t have any longer-term benefits.

After a few visits, she realized this was not like a massage. Her posture improved. Her headaches went away. And she slept better. She felt more productive at work and had the energy to spend the time with her family that she wanted. And best yet, she was experiencing lasting effects with continual improvement of symptoms.

Her quality of life changed, and suddenly, the chiropractor appointment cost didn’t seem as important anymore.

Cost of Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractor Cost vs The True Cost of Living in Pain

Think about the cost of staying in pain. Whether you’re feeling stiff, experiencing constant soreness, or having sharp jolts and tingling, you’re missing out on the things you love. Maybe it’s that morning run, a walk with your dog, a weekend hike, or simply sitting comfortably at work.

The price of not feeling good adds up.

It impacts your stress levels and your mental health. As the weight of discomfort and lack of mobility drag you down, you don’t feel like exercising or even moving much.

Or you’re putting less emphasis on eating healthfully. When your friends or family want you to do something fun with them, you question if you can keep up. So you say you already have plans. It’s a little lie, of course.

Then, you start having other physical health problems.

Now, I don’t like to focus on the negative too much. But I’ve heard from more than one patient just how quickly their pain took them to a place they don’t want to be again. Fortunately, in their cases, they came to see me. And with each chiropractic visit, we were able to help them feel like themselves again.

You deserve to live pain-free!

If pain is holding you back, the cost of a chiropractor is the price to live a more quality life, doing more of the things you love with the people you care about.

Does Insurance Pay for Chiropractic Cost?

Some insurance plans do pay for a certain number of visits per year. You should review your policy to find out. We can work with most insurers. You may only be responsible for a copay. Your insurer may require a medical diagnosis.

An example of a medical reason might be a moderate to severe spinal subluxation (vertebral misalignment), which can lead to chronic pain. We can confirm this diagnosis with imaging tests.

Your insurer may also consider neck pain, back pain, knee pain, neuropathy, headaches, and sciatica as acceptable diagnoses for covered treatment. After your full assessment, I’ll be able to determine your diagnosis. Then we can clear it with your insurance, so you know up front what they’ll pay.

Can I Use My Flexible Spending Account to See a Chiropractor?

If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) through your employer, you may be able to use those pre-tax dollars for chiropractic visits. This can amount to huge savings, especially if you’re in a middle to high tax bracket. However, to qualify, your treatment also needs to be for a medical reason and not general health.

You can also use you FSA funds to pay the copays or deductibles that insurance does not pay.

Can I Use My Health Savings Account for Chiro Visits?

If you have a health savings account (HSA), you can also use it for chiropractic care. According to the IRS, it needs to be for medical reasons, so this is very similar to FSA rules.

But even mild to moderate spinal misalignment can lead to more than back pain. And some plans do not pay for a chiropractic visit. You may have one and you’re wondering what the cost of chiropractic care might look like for you.

First, I’ll say this.

Even mild misalignments can cause pressure on the spinal discs (backbone cushions), nerve pain, worsening posture, and musculoskeletal imbalances. That’s when your knees, ankles, hips, neck, and shoulders try to compensate for imbalance somewhere else in the body’s movement chain. Then they hurt too!

Especially the knees. They really take the brunt of the pressure when the back is misaligned.

And it gets progressively worse as we age, if left untreated. So, if you’re a younger person already noticing these imbalances, seeing your chiropractor regularly now is an investment in greater mobility and function as you age.

How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost without Insurance?

Now, when people ask this, they often compare it to other health expenses—an annual exam, health screenings, monthly prescriptions, specialist visits for an ongoing chronic condition.

If you’re one of the fortunate ones, you might have excellent insurance that pays all but a small copay. So, it’s hard to think about paying for a service out-of-pocket.

I understand. And here’s why that cost isn’t what you think.

Investing in Future You

Often, it’s more difficult to find value in preventing worsening health than it is to spend on managing chronic conditions. That’s why an estimated 60% of Americans have a chronic disease, costing the US economy $2 trillion dollars annually in treatment, lost productivity, family hardships, and other effects of living with chronic ailments.

But you and I both know that if you could skip the chronic conditions and feel better now and for decades to come, that’s an investment you want to make in your health. You don’t want to be part of that statistic.

And let’s say you already are—you’d like to make your current health problems that “thing that you used to have”.

It’s why health-conscious people like you spend money on vitamins, supplements, whole foods, a gym membership or home equipment, and other healthy choices.

Healthy people think proactively. They are taking steps now to prevent worsening problems

Feeling Better Now

If you’re already in pain, know that you don’t have to live like this. I can treat the root cause so you can move more freely and live the life you want to live. Depending on the severity of your issue, you can often start feeling better in 1-3 visits. We build personalized treatment plans around helping you feel your best.

What’s the cost of chiropractor care when you’re not living life fully? The cost of a chiropractic visit is more affordable than you think, especially when you consider the long-term benefits. You’ll be able to move better, feel better, and avoid future problems that could cost a lot more down the road.

Chiropractors Work with Your Medical Team

Are you currently taking pain meds with miserable side effects? Your doctor and I can work together to reduce your dose, as manual adjustments begin to alleviate the pressure on the body that causes pain. As a chiropractor, I work with medical teams to provide comprehensive and less-invasive solutions to chronic condition treatment, from diabetes care to headaches.

Chiropractor Treatment Plan

How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost Per Visit?

Chiropractic care is never one-size-fits-all. That’s why I work with each patient to create a plan that fits their needs and budget. The cost of a chiropractor visit depends on the treatment. Whether it’s a simple adjustment, a full-body realignment, or ongoing care, we create a solution that works for you.

While the back is often our focus, we offer comprehensive services to treat back pain, knee pain, neck pain, neuropathy, sciatica, and more.

The personalized plan you choose could include:

  • A regular chiropractic adjustment
  • Acupuncture
  • Dry needling
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Graston Technique
  • Knee on Trac
  • Nutrition and supplementation advice

Your first visit includes a complete assessment, consultation, and first spinal adjustment or other treatment based on your diagnosis. That’s a tremendous value!

Schedule that initial visit today.

If you need X-rays or MRI to understand the diagnosis better, I can order those to guide your tailored treatment plan.

I’d like to put your mind at ease. We’ve got options to fit your budget. I’m not going to try to sell you a complete package if all you need is a regular manual adjustment. That’s not how I do business. My goal is to ensure you get the greatest value from seeing a chiropractor regularly.

And the real value comes from making consistent improvements in your health. And I encourage you to explore how I can help you meet your wellness goals.

Invest in Health, Save in the Long Run

A lot of my patients come in thinking about the average chiropractor visit cost. They’re looking for a number. But after their first adjustment, many of them realize the value far outweighs the chiropractor cost. One patient, Tom, told me he used to spend more on pain medications and massages each month. After just a few chiropractic sessions, he didn’t need them anymore. That’s what I mean by value.

You might be searching for the chiropractor cost near me, but remember, it’s not about the one-time visit. It’s about how much better you’ll feel for weeks, months, or even years after.

Sarah, a mom of two, came in without insurance. She had sciatica and was on the fence, thinking, “How much does chiropractor cost? Can I manage this?”

After her treatment, she saw improvements not just in her pain, but in her energy. She felt like she could keep up with her kids again and wasn’t skipping work day when the pain was too much to bear.

She realized that chiropractic care wasn’t as expensive as the downtime she experienced when she couldn’t move without pain. It’s about perspective.

Your Health Is Worth the Investment

At the end of the day, you’re not just paying for an adjustment. You’re paying for a better quality of life. You’re investing in fewer sick days, more energy, and a body that feels good to live in. When you ask, “How much does a chiropractor cost?” think of it as investing in your well-being. And that’s something you can’t put a price on.

If you’re still wondering about the cost of chiropractor visits or need more details, feel free to reach out. We’ll find a plan that works for you and your budget. After all, health is your greatest asset, and it’s worth every penny. It’s time to schedule your consultation and first treatment.

Nerve Pain Relief

Nerve Pain Relief: Natural Treatments that Actually Work

Nerve pain relief

Nerve pain can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. Whether you suffer from sciatic nerve pain, back pain, shoulder nerve pain, or peripheral neuropathy, finding effective nerve pain relief is crucial.

As a chiropractor specializing in functional health, I have worked with a lot of patients struggling with this problem. Often, they feel hopeless, having tried everything by the time they come to see me. My hope is get the word out that natural nerve pain relief is possible for many —without surgery or potentially-dangerous medications.

What Causes Nerves to hurt?

You may experience nerve damage as a tingling, burning, shooting, stabbing, or a host of related nerve pain symptoms. For a long time, it was believed —particularly in Western Medicine—that there wasn’t much you could do about it. You could only manage the symptoms and hope it didn’t get worse.

You may have been told there’s no cure. But when we address the root cause, the nerve can start healing itself.

So what may be causing your discomfort? And is it treatable using natural means?


Injuries such as falls, accidents, or sports-related impacts can crush or trap the nerves.

sports injuries


High blood sugar levels in diabetics can damage nerves, particularly in the feet, necessitating diabetic foot nerve pain relief. You will still need diabetic care and lifestyle management, but we can help with the neuropathy—especially in its early stages.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc can press on nerves in the spine, causing pain. Overuse, lack of physical activity, “too heavy” lifting, or injury can cause the disc to rupture or slip, allowing the bones to move out of line.

The vertabral column protects the large central nervous system nerves and the peripheral nerves travel out from this centralized location. This misalignment allows nerves to become trapped.

Sometimes this slipped disc happens in the neck, which causes a pain behind the shoulder blade—and sometimes down the arm. If the herniated disc happens in the lower back, you may experience low back pain, hip pain, pain in the back of your thigh or all of the above. Some people even need sciatic nerve pain in buttocks which makes it hard to sit, stand, and walk without pain stopping them in their tracks.

We can reduce the point of stress trapping the nerve by realigning the spinal column through an adjustment.

Autoimmune Diseases

Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can cause the immune system to attack the nerves, leading to chronic nerve pain. An autoimmune condition is not a life sentence of pain. Often nutrition and lifestyle can reduce the damage these diseases cause to bones, joints, myelin sheaths (nerve protectors), etc.

Repetitive Stress

Repetitive motions or prolonged pressure on certain body parts can lead to nerve compression and pain. For example, a repetitive factory, retail, warehouse, or desk job could lead to ulnar nerve pain (in the arm, elbow, and wrist).

Poor Posture

Poor posture can contribute to nerve compression, particularly in the neck and back, necessitating ergonomic adjustments and targeted exercises for nerve pain relief.

Everyone has poor posture sometimes. I’m talking about more than just slouching sometimes. It has more to do with how long you stay in that position. People who sit for four hours or more without getting up and moving around much may develop misalignments that lead to trapped nerves.

Those who stand more aren’t off the hook though! Some people stand for long periods or walk while either sticking their belly out or using an anterior pelvic tilt. In the latter, you have an excessive inward arch in the lower back and push your butt out. This is not a natural or healthy position.

What kind of nerve pain do you have? take the quiz.

Sleeping Position

Sleeping weird can also cause nerve problems.

sleeping position

Bad Exercise Form

Bad posture also happens when your lifting weights and exercising. You might lift something heavy from the side instead of the front. You could lift too heavy or not properly warm-up.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies can significantly contribute to nerve pain, impacting your overall health. Essential vitamins like B12, B6, and E are crucial for maintaining nerve health. A lack of these nutrients can lead to nerve damage pain relief needs.

Even if we address the cause of the pain by freeing the trapped nerve, it’s vital to focus on nutrition to support nerve healing.

Find out what your nerve pain symptoms are telling you.

Managing Neuropathic Pain

Addressing the underlying causes is essential for freeing you from this experience. Treatments like chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, home exercise programs, and proper nutrition can provide significant natural nerve pain relief.

You can take proactive steps to manage and alleviate your symptoms, ensuring a better quality of life.

Stop nerve pain

Chiropractic Adjustments for Nerve Pain

One of the most effective methods for supporting nerve health is chiropractic adjustments. These adjustments help realign the spine, reducing pressure on nerves and providing freedom from the discomfort and misery of neuropathy. This approach is particularly beneficial for those seeking all natural nerve pain relief without the side effects of medication.

To get to the root cause of neuropathy, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

Home Exercise Programs

Incorporating a customized home exercise program can significantly enhance your pain relief regimen. For example, targeted exercises can alleviate pain relief for lower back.

Regular physical activity promotes healing and prevents further neurological damage, offering relief for lower back nerve pain and nerve pain in leg relief.

Exercise—especially those for the core (not just sit-ups)— also strengthen the muscles that support the spine. This can naturally improve posture, even when you’re not thinking about it and protect the spine form further injury.

In fact, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but regular home exercise helps you maintain alignment longer after an adjustment. You need neuropathy treatments less often because you’re doing good things for your body at home.

Even after an adjustment, if you don’t make some changes the nerve will just get trapped again. In the beginning, I usually recommend a spinal adjustment twice a week. This frequency helps you train your spine back into alignment as you strengthen your muscles to maintain that alignment longer.

Our chiropractors take time to show you proper form and posture and we help you develop a home exercise program to maintain your results.

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture and dry needling are also excellent methods for natural pain therapy. Acupuncture is an ancient practice involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and reduce pain. Acupuncture can be particularly effective for sciatic nerve pain relief and neuropathy relief, offering a holistic approach to managing this condition.

Dry needling involves using fine needles strategically on trigger points to release stiff muscles that may contribute to nerve entrapment.

Nutrition Support

As I mentioned, proper nutrition plays a vital role in nerve pain relief. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods and those containing B vitamins can help reduce nerve pain and support overall health. I encourage you to focus on getting these nutrients from food first. But we can also discuss supplementation if you’re struggling with your nutrition. For those with diabetes, nutrition support is also crucial for diabetic foot nerve pain relief. We will work with your endocrinologist and/or registered dietician to support your nutritional goals.

Essential Oils and Home Remedies

For those who prefer an essential oil nerve pain relief recipe, know that essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus have natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that provide natural relief for nerve pain. But remember, these only help the symptoms for a short time. Your neuropathy will get worse if you delay treating the cause. You can explore some of the more severe symptoms and outcomes on untreated neuropathy here.

Medications and Over-the-Counter Solutions

While our focus is on natural therapies, we understand that sometimes medication is necessary. We can guide you on the best OTC pain relief for nerve pain and nerve pain relief medication that can be used in conjunction with our holistic treatments for optimal recovery. Again, medication is short-term relief. You need to long-term solutions to stop the misery for good.

Specialized Treatments for Specific Conditions

We also offer targeted treatments for specific nerve pain conditions. For instance, if you struggle with ulnar nerve pain relief or burning nerves in neck for pain relief, we can develop a personalized plan to address your unique needs. We also provide solutions for relief from nerve pain in neck, nerve pain in feet relief, and sciatic nerve pain relief at night.

At-Home Solutions and Continuous Support for Nerve Pain Relief

We believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools needed for relief from nerve pain at home. Our comprehensive approach ensures you receive continuous support and guidance, helping you manage and alleviate nerve pain effectively.

Our functional approach  integrates chiropractic adjustments, home exercise, acupuncture, and nutrition to support to provide effective and sustainable freedom for debiliating discomfort. Whether you seek sciatic nerve pain relief or natural relief for nerve pain, our customized treatments aim to enhance your quality of life naturally and effectively. To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Neuropathy

What is the Best Pain Relief for Nerve Pain?

The best pain relief for nerve pain often includes a combination of treatments such as chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, home exercise programs, and nutrition support. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or specific nerve pain relief medication can also be effective.

How to Get Relief from Sciatic Nerve Pain?

For relief from sciatic nerve pain, try chiropractic adjustments, targeted exercises, and stretching. Acupuncture and proper posture can also help. For immediate relief, over-the-counter pain relievers may be useful.

What Drugs Provide Immediate Relief from Nerve Pain?

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can provide immediate improvements. For more severe pain, prescription medications such as gabapentin or pregabalin might be necessary.

What is the Best Pain Relief for Nerve Damage?

This is best achieved through a combination of treatments, including chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture, and doctor-perscribed medications like gabapentin or amitriptyline, if needed. Our goal is to address the root cause so that you can avoid or reduce medications with guidance from the prescribing physician.

How to Get Relief from Nerve Pain in Neck?

To get relief from nerve pain in neck, try chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and neck exercises. Applying heat or cold packs and practicing good posture can also help.

Does Acupuncture Relieve Nerve Pain?

Yes, acupuncture can effectively relieve neuropathy by stimulating the body’s natural painkillers and promoting blood flow to the affected areas. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients which can promote healing.

How to Get Pain Relief from Pinched Nerve in Neck?

For pain relief from a pinched nerve in the neck, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and gentle neck stretches are effective. Over-the-counter pain relievers and applying ice or heat can provide immediate relief.

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

nerve pain back

Nerve Pain in the Back: Your Path to a Pain-Free Life

Nerve pain in the back can be debilitating—stealing your joy and making living active and well nearly impossible. Even simple tasks become challenging.

As a chiropractor, I often see patients struggling with various types of back pain, and I can say that nerve-related issues are some of the worst kinds of pain to have. But I have some hopeful news for you today. Many causes can be treated without surgery or potentially dangerous medications.

What is Nerve Pain in the Back?

Nerve pain, or neuropathic pain, occurs when nerves are damaged or irritated. In this case, the nerves in question are in the spine. Many people are surprised to learn this since they feel this pain on the left or right side, not the spine.

But that’s because these large nerves radiate the sensation out from the center and down the body.

As a chiropractor, I can deduce where the nerve irritation is occurring in the spine based on the location of the nerve pain symptoms—from behind your shoulder down to the back of your thigh.

I’m able to do this because the nerves that begin in your spinal column take a specific path through the human body—carrying the pain with them.

Symptoms of Nerve Pain in the Back

You might experience nerve pain of the back as:

  • Burning
  • Sharp
  • Dull persistent ache
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Radiating
  • Muscle weakness

It’s usually only on one side and often comes and goes as you change positions.

For example, you might feel a sudden sharp pain in the mid-back. It catches you off guard, takes your breath away, and forces you to recoil from whatever you were doing.

A moment later, it passes. But now you’re afraid to move because it hurts. That’s no way to live!

And sadly, this lack of movement makes it worse over time.

The constant worry about the pain may also impact your mental health and sense of well-being. And in severe cases, the pain is so bad it physically keeps you from moving. You may not be able to sit, bend, or stand up straight.

You may also want to check out Peripheral Nerve Pain Symptoms: Your Body’s Alarm System.

What Causes Nerve Pain Back?

Common causes of back nerve pain include herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and pinching or tightness of the sciatic nerve.

In each of these, a nerve is trapped between the spinal discs. When this happens, the bone is allowed to rub/squeeze the nerve.

Herniated (ruptured) discs can happen anywhere along the spine. Discs are cushions between each back bone to protect your spinal nerves and the bones from damage. But these discs can become compressed like a water balloon in your hand. This allows the bones to get too close to each other, leading to structural issues. If that disc is squeezed hard enough, it bursts. It’s not quite as dramatic a burst as a water balloon. But it does slowly leak an irritating fluid onto the nerve.

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column. It often happens in the neck, leading to nerve pain behind the shoulder as well as upper back nerve pain.

When the lower spinal column (the lumbar spine) narrows, it puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to Sciatica. The sciatic nerve nerve runs from the lower back, down each hip and into the back of your thigh. So, you may feel the pain in one or all three places.

An estimated 40% of people will experience sciatic nerve pain in the lower back during their lifetime.

If one of these three causes contributes to your nerve pain, you don’t have to just live with it. This is a mechanical problem in the back.

When the structural issue is correctable with an adjustment, I can release the nerve and allow the nerve to heal. With proper care and a periodic adjustment you can maintain the pain relief long-term.

It’s essential to seek professional help to determine whether a spinal adjustment could help your nerve pain in the back.

To find out, Schedule your initial consultation for a full evaluation and first treatment. 


To diagnose nerve pain in the back, a thorough medical history and physical examination are necessary. Diagnostic tests like MRI, CT scans, and X-rays can help pinpoint precisely where the nerve is trapped.

But chiropractors also train for years. As part of our education, we learn how to feel the irregularities in the spine before correcting them.

Treatment Options

Depending on the cause and severity, you may need a combination of therapies or treatments. Your chiropractor can work with your medical professional team to help you get the best results.

Non-Surgical Treatments

  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and prescription medications can help manage the pain.
  • Home Exercise Program: Strengthening and stretching exercises can alleviate pain and improve mobility. Your chiropractor will show you how to perform exercises to strengthen the supporting muscloskelatal system and support nerve health.
  • Chiropractic Care: Regular adjustments can relieve nerve pain in the back and improve spinal alignment.
  • Acupuncture: This ancient practice can provide short-term relief for many patients, giving the nerve time to heal.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can significantly reduce back pain. If you have a desk job that keeps you sedentary, we can work with you on strategies to support more movement throughout the day.

Surgical Treatments

While not the first choice for most patients, surgical options are available through an orthopaedist. We can work with your doctor to attempt less invasive treatment before you decide to go under the knife. We also become an important part of your post-surgical rehabilitation and pain-free maintenance plan.

Some surgeries your doctor might consider include:

  • Discectomy: Removing the disc’s herniated part can relieve nerve pressure.
  • Laminectomy: Removing part of the vertebra can relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
  • Spinal Fusion: This surgery joins two or more vertebrae together to provide stability.

Pain Management Strategies

Managing nerve pain in the back involves both at-home and professional strategies.

At-Home Pain Relief Methods

  • Heat and Ice Therapy: Alternating between heat and ice can reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: These can help manage mild to moderate pain.
  • Gentle Stretching and Exercise: Regular movement can keep your back flexible and reduce pain.

Professional Pain Management Techniques

  • Epidural Steroid Injections: These can reduce inflammation around the nerves.
  • Nerve Blocks: Injecting anesthetics near the nerves can provide temporary relief.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation: Burning the nerves to relieve back pain can provide long-term relief.
  • Acupuncture: Increases blood flow and can encourage the activation of your body’s natural painkillers and healing processes.

Preventing Nerve Pain

Prevention is better than cure. Whether you’ve recently recovered from back nerve pain or you’re trying to reverse the pain before it gets worse, here are some tips to keep your back healthy and pain-free.

Ergonomic Tips for Daily Activities

  • Proper Lifting Techniques: Lift with your legs, not your back. To learn more, check out our article on lifting form.
  • Correct Posture: Maintain a neutral spine while sitting and standing.
  • Ergonomic Office Setups: Ensure your workstation supports good posture, ideally with a sit and stand option.

We take time to show patients what proper form looks like and help them achieve it. Our goal is to see patients live pain-free through comprehensive pain management strategies.

Regular Exercise and Stretching

  • Strengthening Exercises: Focus on your core and back muscles.
  • Flexibility Exercises: Stretching can prevent tightness and pain.
  • Walking: If you are able, walking more around the house, neighborhood, or office can promote better posture. You engage multiple core muscles with this one action, which can alleviate pressure on the spinal discs.
  • Balance: Exercise methodologies, such as those found in yoga and Pilates, promote balance and stability.

Learn about the top 5 stretches for sciatica and how to do them step-by-step.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

  • Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition supports overall health. Of course, a balanced diet is important, but some nutrients have moderate to strong evidence and are worth a try. On the whole food side, these include dark leafy greens and green vegetables, berries, sweet potatoes, turmeric, avocado, and quinoa. These foods provide key nutrients like B vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and known anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Adequate Sleep: Good sleep is essential for recovery and pain management. Adjust your pillows and positions to ensure your sleeping style doesn’t inadvertently cause structural issues.
  • Stress Management: Techniques like mindfulness and meditation can reduce stress and pain.

Living with Nerve Pain

Coping with chronic pain requires a multi-faceted approach.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: These can help manage pain and improve mental well-being.
  • Support Groups and Counseling: Connecting with others who understand your pain can provide emotional support.
  • Pain Management Programs: Professional programs can offer comprehensive pain management plans.
  • Functional Medicine / Integrative Care: A chiropractor is an important part of your functional medicine team since we offer less invasive and effective treatments for back pain.
  • Medical Care: If less invasive treatments do not provide sufficient relief, medical doctors can prescribe medications and surgical treatment.

Exercises for Sciatic Nerve Back Pain

Exercises play a crucial role in managing sciatic nerve pain in the back. Here are some effective exercises:

  • Piriformis Stretch: This can relieve back nerve pain down the leg.
  • Hamstring Stretch: Keeping your hamstrings flexible can reduce lower back pain.
  • Pelvic Tilts: These strengthen your core and lower back muscles and help with sciatic nerve pain in the back

You Can Live Pain-Free

Nerve pain in the back can be managed effectively with the right approach. From professional treatments to at-home care, there are many ways to find relief. Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional help when needed are crucial steps in managing and preventing back pain. To learn how to live without pain, schedule your initial consultation for a full evaluation and first treatment. 

How Chiropractors Can Relieve Joint Pain and Improve Your Quality of Life

Understanding Joint Pain

Joint pain is a common issue that can be caused by various factors such as arthritis, injuries, bursitis, fibromyalgia, gout, and tendinitis. Chiropractic care can help with joint pain. These conditions can lead to inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort in the joints, making it difficult to perform daily activities and impacting overall quality of life. Whether it’s the result of an acute injury or a chronic condition, joint pain can be debilitating and require treatment to restore joint health and function.

For example, arthritis is one of the leading causes of joint pain. It is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation and damage to the joints. There are different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. Each type has its own unique causes and symptoms, but they all share joint pain as a common symptom. Injuries, on the other hand, can result in joint pain due to trauma or overuse. Sprains, strains, and fractures can all cause pain and swelling in the joints. Understanding the underlying cause of joint pain is crucial in finding the right treatment approach.

Chiropractors Relieve Joint Pain in San Francisco

How Chiropractors Can Help with Joint Pain

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to relieving joint pain. Chiropractors focus on the musculoskeletal system and its impact on overall health. Through manual adjustments, chiropractors can improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and restore proper alignment of the spine. By aligning the spine, chiropractic adjustments can alleviate pressure on the joints and improve their function.

In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may use a variety of other treatments to provide relief from joint pain. These can include joint mobilizations, which involve gently moving the joints to improve their range of motion. Therapeutic exercises can also be prescribed to strengthen the muscles around the joints and improve stability. Massage therapy can help relax muscles and reduce tension, while ultrasound therapy can promote healing and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture, a practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, may also be used to provide pain relief.

For example, TruSpine, a specialized chiropractic office located in San Francisco, offers expert care for joint pain relief. Their team of chiropractors is trained in a range of techniques and treatments to address joint pain. They utilize techniques like the Graston Technique, which uses stainless steel instruments to break down scar tissue and promote healing. The Active Release Technique is another specialized treatment offered by TruSpine, which involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to release tension and alleviate pain. Additionally, they offer ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and shockwave therapy, which can all provide effective relief for joint pain.

Common Chiropractic Techniques for Joint Pain Relief

Chiropractors employ a variety of techniques to alleviate joint pain and improve joint function. Spinal manipulation, also known as chiropractic adjustment, is a key technique used by chiropractors to address joint pain. This technique involves applying controlled force to the joints of the spine to restore proper alignment and function. By realigning the spine, chiropractors can alleviate pressure on the joints and reduce pain and inflammation.

In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors may use joint mobilization techniques to improve joint mobility. This involves gently moving the joints through their range of motion to reduce stiffness and increase flexibility. Stretching exercises may also be prescribed to improve joint flexibility and reduce muscle tightness. Massage therapy can help relax muscles, reduce tension, and improve blood flow to the affected area. Heat and cold therapy, ultrasound therapy, and low-level laser therapy may also be used to provide pain relief and promote healing.

For example, TruSpine offers specialized techniques such as the Graston Technique, Active Release Technique, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and shockwave therapy for effective joint pain relief. The Graston Technique utilizes stainless steel instruments to break down scar tissue and promote healing in the affected joints. Active Release Technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to release tension and alleviate pain. Ultrasound therapy uses high-frequency sound waves to promote healing and reduce inflammation. Laser therapy uses low-level lasers to stimulate cell regeneration and reduce pain. Shockwave therapy involves applying pressure waves to the affected area to promote healing and reduce pain.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Joint Pain

Chiropractic care offers several benefits for individuals experiencing joint pain. Beyond symptom relief, chiropractors focus on overall wellness and correcting spinal misalignments. Regular visits to a chiropractor can not only alleviate back pain but also improve overall joint health. Chiropractors can assist with inflammation and pain management through exercise routines and dietary alterations.

By addressing the root cause of joint pain, chiropractic care can provide long-lasting relief and improve joint function. Chiropractors take a personalized approach to treatment, tailoring their techniques and recommendations to each individual’s specific needs. This individualized care helps to target the underlying issues contributing to joint pain and promote healing.

Tips for Finding a Qualified Chiropractor for Joint Pain Treatment

When seeking chiropractic care for joint pain, it is important to find a qualified chiropractor who can provide effective treatment. Factors to consider when choosing a chiropractor include their qualifications, experience, and patient reviews. It is beneficial to research and read reviews about potential chiropractors to ensure they have the necessary expertise and experience in treating joint pain.

For individuals seeking joint pain treatment in the San Francisco area, TruSpine is a reliable choice. Their team of chiropractors has extensive experience and expertise in providing specialized care for joint pain relief. They are committed to delivering personalized treatment strategies that target the root cause of joint pain and foster lasting relief. By choosing a qualified chiropractor like TruSpine, individuals can have confidence in the quality of care they will receive.

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Joint Pain

In addition to chiropractic care, there are lifestyle changes that can help manage joint pain and promote overall joint health. Maintaining a healthy weight is important, as excess weight can put additional stress on the joints, leading to pain and inflammation. Engaging in regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the joints, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. It is important to choose exercises that are low-impact and gentle on the joints, such as swimming, cycling, or walking. Practicing proper posture and body mechanics can also help alleviate joint pain and prevent further damage. This involves maintaining good posture throughout the day and using proper body mechanics when lifting heavy objects or performing physical activities.

TruSpine can provide guidance on exercise routines and dietary alterations to support joint pain management. They can work with individuals to develop an exercise plan that is tailored to their specific needs and limitations. Additionally, they can provide recommendations on dietary changes that can help reduce inflammation and promote joint health. By incorporating these lifestyle changes along with chiropractic care, individuals can take an active role in managing their joint pain and promoting long-term joint health.

Expert in Joint Pain, San Francisco, CA

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and holistic approach to relieving joint pain. Chiropractors utilize various techniques to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and promote overall wellness. TruSpine, a specialized chiropractic office located in San Francisco, provides expert care for joint pain relief with their range of treatments and techniques. If you are experiencing joint pain, visit TruSpine’s website at for more details about their services and contact information. Take the first step towards relieving your joint pain by scheduling a consultation with TruSpine today.

Effective Joint Pain Treatment in San Francisco

We’re committed to helping you live a pain-free, active life. If you’re in San Francisco, CA, and struggling with joint pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at TruSpine. Our chiropractic experts are here to provide personalized joint pain treatment solutions that can truly make a difference. Let us be your partner on the path to a healthier, pain-free you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more comfortable future. Your journey to joint pain relief begins here, and we can’t wait to help you achieve it.


150 Lombard St Ste 2, San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 421-1115

What are the Warning Signs of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Overview of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that refers to the damage or disease of nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. There are different types of peripheral neuropathy, including carpal tunnel syndrome and diabetic neuropathy. This condition can have a significant impact on physical sensations, such as tingling, numbness, and burning sensations. It can also affect motor nerves, sensory nerves, and internal organs, leading to muscle weakness, balance issues, and digestive problems. Guillain-Barre syndrome and hereditary neuropathies like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 are serious forms of peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy can be a challenging condition to live with, as it can significantly impact a person’s daily life and overall well-being. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, many individuals are able to effectively manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Chiropractic Care for Neuropathy in San Francisco

Peripheral Neuropathy in San Francisco

For example, Sarah, a 45-year-old woman, was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy after experiencing persistent numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. She also noticed that she was having difficulty with balance and coordination. After consulting with her doctor, Sarah underwent a series of tests, including nerve conduction studies and blood tests, to determine the underlying cause of her symptoms. It was discovered that Sarah had developed peripheral neuropathy as a result of uncontrolled diabetes.

Additional reading: Nerve Pain: Your Body’s Alarm System

Common Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can vary between individuals and depend on the type of nerve damage. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling, and pain. People with peripheral neuropathy may also experience a lack of coordination and muscle weakness. Autonomic problems can arise, causing excessive sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, and digestive issues. It is important to seek medical care if you experience these symptoms to receive a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

In addition to these common symptoms, peripheral neuropathy can also cause changes in sensation. For example, some individuals may experience a loss of sensation in certain areas of the body, while others may have heightened sensitivity to touch. These changes in sensation can make everyday tasks more challenging and increase the risk of injury.

For instance, John, a 60-year-old man, began to notice that he was having difficulty feeling the temperature of objects with his hands. He would accidentally touch hot surfaces without realizing it, resulting in burns. John also experienced a constant tingling sensation in his feet, which made it difficult for him to walk comfortably. After consulting with a neurologist, John was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy due to his long-term alcohol misuse.

Causes and Risk Factors of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy can have various causes, including traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, inherited disorders, exposure to toxins, and autoimmune diseases. One of the most common causes is diabetes. Other causes include infections, tumors, bone marrow disorders, and other diseases. There are also several risk factors associated with peripheral neuropathy, such as diabetes, alcohol misuse, low vitamin levels, infections, autoimmune diseases, and repetitive motion. Complications of peripheral neuropathy can include burns, infections, and falls.

It’s important to note that not everyone with these risk factors will develop peripheral neuropathy, and some individuals may develop the condition without any known risk factors. The exact cause of peripheral neuropathy can vary from person to person, and in some cases, the cause may never be identified.

For example, Lisa, a 35-year-old woman, was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy after experiencing persistent numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. She had no known risk factors for the condition, such as diabetes or alcohol misuse. After undergoing extensive testing, including blood tests and nerve conduction studies, Lisa’s doctors were unable to determine the exact cause of her peripheral neuropathy. She was diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, which means that the cause is unknown.

Diagnostic Tests for Peripheral Neuropathy

To diagnose peripheral neuropathy, doctors may use various tests. Nerve conduction studies measure the electrical activity of nerves and muscles, helping to identify any abnormalities. Electromyography (EMG) assesses muscle response to nerve stimulation and can help diagnose peripheral neuropathy. Blood tests may also be conducted to identify underlying causes or contributing factors to peripheral neuropathy. A comprehensive assessment, including a thorough medical history and physical examination, is crucial in the diagnostic process.

In addition to these tests, doctors may also perform a nerve biopsy to examine a small sample of nerve tissue under a microscope. This can provide valuable information about the cause and extent of the nerve damage.

For instance, James, a 50-year-old man, began experiencing tingling and numbness in his hands and feet. Concerned about his symptoms, he visited a neurologist who recommended a series of diagnostic tests. James underwent nerve conduction studies and EMG, which showed abnormal nerve function. Blood tests were also conducted, ruling out any underlying medical conditions. To further investigate the cause of his peripheral neuropathy, James underwent a nerve biopsy, which revealed inflammation in the nerves. Based on these findings, he was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy caused by an autoimmune disorder.

Treatment Options for Peripheral Neuropathy

The treatment of peripheral neuropathy involves a multi-faceted approach. Lifestyle changes play a significant role, including maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding factors that can cause nerve damage. Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and treat underlying conditions contributing to peripheral neuropathy. Physical therapy can help improve strength, balance, and coordination. In addition to conventional treatments, alternative therapies like chiropractic care, acupuncture, and specialized treatments offered by TruSpine, such as chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, and acupuncture, can provide relief from neuropathy symptoms. Personalized treatment plans should be developed to address each individual’s needs, and may include other modalities like Graston Technique, Active Release Technique, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and shockwave therapy.

It’s important for individuals with peripheral neuropathy to work closely with their healthcare team to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs. This may involve a combination of different treatments and therapies to effectively manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

For example, Maria, a 55-year-old woman, was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy as a result of chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. She experienced severe pain, numbness, and tingling in her hands and feet, making it difficult for her to perform daily activities. Maria’s treatment plan included a combination of medications to manage her pain, as well as physical therapy to improve her strength and mobility. She also sought alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, to complement her conventional treatment. Over time, Maria’s symptoms improved, and she was able to regain some of her functional abilities.

Trusted Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment in San Francisco

Recognizing the warning signs of peripheral neuropathy is crucial for early intervention and proper management of the condition. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, it is important to seek medical care for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. TruSpine, a chiropractic office specializing in neuropathy care, offers personalized treatment strategies to address peripheral neuropathy and provide lasting relief. By visiting their website and scheduling a consultation, you can take proactive steps towards managing peripheral neuropathy and improving your quality of life. Don’t let peripheral neuropathy hold you back – reach out to TruSpine today for expert care and support.

At TruSpine, your well-being is our top priority. If you’ve recognized any of the warning signs of peripheral neuropathy discussed in this blog, don’t wait to seek help. Our experienced team in San Francisco, CA, is here to provide the specialized care and support you need to manage and alleviate peripheral neuropathy treatment and symptoms. Don’t let this condition limit your life any longer. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more comfortable and fulfilling future. Your journey to relief begins with TruSpine, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.


150 Lombard St Ste 2, San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 421-1115

What are the main causes of Neuropathy?

Understanding Neuropathy


Neuropathy Treatment in San Francisco

Neuropathy is a condition that occurs when the peripheral nerves, outside of the brain and spinal cord, are damaged, causing weakness, numbness, and pain. It encompasses various types, including carpal tunnel syndrome and diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy can have several causes, such as traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, inherited disorders, and exposure to toxins. TruSpine, a chiropractic office located in San Francisco, specializes in providing chiropractic care and therapies to address neuropathy-related concerns.

Neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting messages to and from the brain and spinal cord. When these nerves become damaged or diseased, it can lead to a variety of symptoms, including pain, numbness, and weakness. Carpal tunnel syndrome and diabetic neuropathy are two common types of neuropathy. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve in the wrist becomes compressed, leading to symptoms such as tingling and numbness in the hand. Diabetic neuropathy, on the other hand, is a type of neuropathy that occurs in people with diabetes and is caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the nerves.

There are two main types of neuropathy: mononeuropathy and polyneuropathy. Mononeuropathy occurs when a single peripheral nerve is damaged, often due to physical injury or trauma. For example, a person may develop mononeuropathy after a car accident where they injure a specific nerve in their arm. Polyneuropathy, on the other hand, involves the malfunctioning of multiple peripheral nerves simultaneously and can have various causes. Alcohol abuse and diabetes are common causes of polyneuropathy.

Common Causes of Neuropathy

  1. Diabetes: One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves, leading to neuropathy. It is essential for individuals with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels effectively to prevent or control neuropathy. For example, monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, following a balanced diet, and taking prescribed medications can help prevent nerve damage.
  2. Trauma or Injury: Physical injuries, such as accidents or falls, can result in nerve damage and neuropathy. It is crucial to take precautions to prevent injuries and seek medical attention if an injury occurs. For example, wearing protective gear while participating in sports or using handrails while going down stairs can help reduce the risk of injury.
  3. Infections: Certain infections, including viral or bacterial infections, can cause neuropathy. Examples include Lyme disease, shingles, and HIV-related neuropathy. Proper treatment of the underlying infection is necessary to address neuropathy symptoms. For instance, taking antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection or antiviral medications to manage viral infections can help prevent or alleviate neuropathy symptoms.
  4. Autoimmune Diseases: Some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can lead to nerve damage and neuropathy. The immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, including nerves, causing damage. Managing the autoimmune condition is crucial in managing neuropathy symptoms. This may involve taking immunosuppressant medications or undergoing treatments to reduce inflammation.
  5. Vitamin Deficiencies: Lack of certain vitamins, such as B vitamins or vitamin E, can contribute to neuropathy. A balanced diet that includes foods rich in these vitamins is essential for nerve health. For example, consuming foods like leafy green vegetables, nuts, and whole grains can help ensure an adequate intake of B vitamins.
  6. Medications: Certain medications, including chemotherapy drugs or antiretroviral drugs, can cause neuropathy as a side effect. If you are taking any medication and experience neuropathy symptoms, it is important to consult your healthcare provider. They may be able to adjust your medication or prescribe additional treatments to help manage the neuropathy symptoms.
  7. Alcohol Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption can damage nerves and result in neuropathy. Limiting alcohol intake or seeking help for alcohol addiction can help prevent or manage neuropathy.
  8. Kidney or Liver Diseases: Conditions affecting the kidneys or liver, such as chronic kidney disease or liver cirrhosis, can cause neuropathy. Proper management of these conditions is essential in preventing further nerve damage. This may involve medications, lifestyle changes, or medical procedures to improve the function of the kidneys or liver.
  9. Genetic Disorders: Some genetic conditions, like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1, can result in neuropathy. These disorders are inherited and require specialized medical care for management. Genetic testing can help identify these conditions and guide treatment decisions.

It is important to note that these are just some of the common causes of neuropathy, and there may be other factors involved in individual cases. If you are experiencing symptoms of neuropathy, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Additional reading: Nerve Pain: Your Body’s Alarm System

Top Neuropathy Treatment in San Francisco

At TruSpine, we’re dedicated to your well-being. If you or a loved one are dealing with neuropathy, understanding its root causes is the first step towards effective treatment and relief. Our expert team in San Francisco, CA, is here to provide the support and specialized care you need. Don’t let neuropathy hold you back any longer – reach out to us today to schedule a consultation. Together, we can uncover the causes and work towards a pain-free, more comfortable future. Your path to neuropathy relief begins at TruSpine, and we’re ready to guide you every step of the way.


150 Lombard St Ste 2, San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 421-1115


What is Low Back Strain or Sprain? – Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment

A back strain or sprain is when the muscle tendon or ligament goes beyond its stretch capacity where the muscle fibers get sometimes a little bit shredded or there are micro tears. Now I like to compare that to a rubber band. If we stretch a rubber band to its normal limit, it’s going to bounce right back. If we stretch the rubber band beyond its limit, then it may not take its normal shape or form and it may be too loose and vulnerable. And so that’s exactly what’s happening to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

To be precise, muscles are the belly of the muscle fiber, while the tendons will connect the muscle to the bone, and the ligaments will hold the different bony structures together. So all these structures are what make up parts of the back and there are hundreds of them and each one is vulnerable to a strain or sprain.

What does pain from back strain or sprain feel like?

So a back strain or sprain may feel like a muscle pull, a stiffness, or a tenderness. Sometimes it can get to a point where it completely puts you out, meaning that you might be on the ground unable to move. Because we have multiple spasms in the back. When that happens, there are very specific exercises and stretches that we can chat about and have notes about on our website. 

But if it gets to a point where the pain is unbearable, we definitely recommend seeking out medical attention, whether it’s with your primary care or your chiropractor, or even an Acupuncturist. 

if it feels more like a tenderness. Sometimes if you go in and you get checked by palpating or pushing on the bony parts or the muscle parts, it feels tender. Well, that could also indicate having a sprain or strength. And that’s important to differentially diagnose for any sort of more disc pain or more a structural deeper pain.

Sometimes back sprain or strain can actually affect the quality of life. It can limit how far you can walk. It can limit what home chores you might be able to do. And at that point, it’s important to take a pause, possibly get officially diagnosed, and get to a place where you can do some stretches and exercises to help alleviate the pain. Other things that can really help alleviate pain are Icing and resting. 

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What is the main cause of back strain or sprain?

There’s definitely a multitude of causes. Sometimes a cause of a back sprain or strain could be overactivity. So doing a sport that could be more of a high impact sport such as running, jumping, box jumps, or jump rope, sometimes it can be doing a repetitive activity using your back multiple times in a row with forward folds or forward bends can cause a back sprain or strain.

There are definitely certain risk factors that may also cause back strains that could be a weight issue. The simple truth is that carrying extra weight impacts the body. That can make you more likely to have back strain. Also twisting and quick motions can cause that, especially if the muscle is not warmed up yet. A lot of back sprains and strains tend to happen more in the mornings versus the evenings because the muscles haven’t had a chance to warm up or get more active.

What are the symptoms of a back sprain or strain? 

Some of the symptoms could be a tenderness to touch at the structure of the back. Sometimes it can be more of an acute pain where it feels almost like a spasm. Sometimes when we’re having spasms it’s even hard to move. So, having rest and being still would be the best way to give relief to your back. The best way to rest your strained back is going to be on your back with your knees bent.

Sometimes it can cause an inability to move in a normal posture. So if you’re walking or standing you might be in a little bit more of a hunched-over forward position because of the spasm from the strain. Sometimes back sprains and strains can be worse to the point where you may feel it in the buttocks, the hamstrings, and even the legs. At that point, it’s important to go seek a professional to make sure that it is purely muscular and there’s no nerve involvement.

Sometimes back sprain and strain can last 10 to 14 days. A lot of back strains may even resolve on their own. But if it doesn’t, and it lasts beyond that 14 days, it’s important again to seek some sort of professional guidance.

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

How is a back sprain or strain diagnosed?

It’s important to look at not only the clinical aspect of it and the history of how the injury occurred, but also possibly some sort of imaging. With the clinical history, it’s usually from quick motions or repetitive tasks, so it’s important to get a thorough history of the injury. But if it gets to a point where the pain is unbearable and it’s harder to diagnose based purely on the clinical history, it’s important to get some imaging through an MRI most likely. An X-ray is going to look at strictly the bone structures, while the MRI is going to be looking at the muscular structures, the tendons, and the ligaments. And so that might be the best way to diagnose your back sprain or strain.

How does back strain affect the body?

A lot of times, back strain can affect the body in a way to create inflammation within the body and that can lead to pain. And of course, with pain, we have definitely some tools in our toolbox to help alleviate some of that pain. Most people tend to go with anti-inflammatories, Icing, and rest to resolve their back pain. A lot of back pain does self-resolve, but there are a few instances where it can last for quite some time.

Can back strain or sprain be cured?

Yes, of course. Yes, for the most part, back strain or sprain can be cured. As I mentioned, a lot of its self-resolving. But if it’s not, then it’s important to get again the cocktail of medications, meaning pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, resting and Icing, 10-15 minutes every hour as needed at the area of pain.

If it does not resolve in the first couple of weeks, it’s important to seek out professional guidance.  If it’s something a little bit more intense, it may require some treatment. And that’s where Chiropractic and Acupuncture care can really benefit in shortening that recovery period.

Who is more prone to Back Strain & Back Sprain?

Back strain and sprain are partly age-dependent. When we’re at a younger age, a lot of the back strain can self-resolve and get better a lot quicker with the shorter recovery time. When we’re over the age of 60, it may require more time, even up to a couple of months for it to completely resolve with the guidance of a professional healthcare provider that can help with therapy while you’re doing self-therapy or self-medication at home as well.

What are the best treatments to manage your back sprain or strain?

So to manage your back pain, there’s definitely a happy medium between being active and resting. A little bit of too much of either one can cause your back pain to get worse. It’s important not to be completely sedentary because that can dehydrate the muscles and tighten up the muscles. So it’s important to get a little bit of activity in during the day. Now, that doesn’t mean high-intensity activities, it usually means light walking, and light stretching. This can help to alleviate your back pain as well as have adequate rest in between. The best way to get your rest is going to be usually on a sturdier surface, maybe on the ground with your knees bent to help flatten out the back and take pressure off your back.

Physical therapy

A doctor or a chiropractor may also recommend physical therapy or rehab exercises to help reduce your back pain.

And sometimes that is with a physical therapist and sometimes that may be just rehab exercises at home. Light stretches and non-high-impact sorts of exercises can help to reduce pain and inflammation at those specific structures. A physical therapist may recommend more regular exercise, mostly on a daily basis with some rest days built into it.

Alternative treatment

For the best treatment of your back pain, your doctor may recommend, Icing, heating, ultrasound, shockwave, and laser therapy as other alternatives to help aid in the recovery of your back pain. In addition to that, here at Truspine, we offer great services at our clinic in San Francisco such as chiropractic care, and acupuncture care, and we have great referrals for massage therapy as needed.

Home remedies for back strain or sprain

Things that you can do at home on your own, in addition, could be again taking pain medication, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, and basically kind of the do-it-yourself exercises at home.

What are the best coping mechanisms for your back strain or sprain? 

Now with coping mechanisms, there’s a multitude of options. What we want to be doing is definitely core strengthening. That’s going to be the most important thing to help prevent your back strain from getting worse or coming back. Now there are definitely some do’s and don’ts in terms of what you should be doing while going through back strain or sprain at home.

Do’s and Don’ts while coping with your back strain and sprain

That’s going to be limiting your sitting, especially on the couch, as well as driving for long distances. This can round your back and over-stretch the muscle fibers in the lower back, making your back vulnerable, and causing inflammation. So you definitely want to limit your sitting. You want to vary between sitting and standing as much as possible. You want to go on light walks if you can, to create movement in the back. Also, you want to make sure you practice correct posture, which means standing or lifting posture.

So you want to make sure that you’re using more of the lower extremities or your hips when you’re bending to pick something up. Whether it’s light or heavy, you want to make sure that you’re not bending at the low back and bending more at the waist. So having correct posture while you’re standing and sitting and lifting are very, very important. 

Best sleeping position for back strain and sprain

Sleep ergonomics is just as important if you’re a back or a side sleeper. It’s important to have possibly a pillow underneath the knees as a back sleeper. Pillow between the knees for side sleeping which can help keep the pelvis in neutral, so that way you’re not waking up with back pain and setting yourself up to feel pretty good for the rest of your day.

Stretching your body

Sometimes it’s nice to do stretches before you go to bed or even first thing in the morning, and you can even do both. I think it’s important to keep it loose before and after sleeping. Sleeping is a catatonic state which keeps the muscles stuck in one position, sometimes dehydrating the muscles because we’re not drinking enough fluids at night. It is important to do those stretches before going to bed as well as the first thing when waking up as prescribed by your primary care.

Hydrate body

Of course, during the day, it is important to drink enough water to keep the muscles hydrated. The general rule for drinking water is going to be half your body weight in ounces and that seems to be a pretty good thing to do to keep those muscles hydrated and flowing well.

Quit smoking

Well, another important piece is quitting smoking. It seems kind of out there, it seems kind of random. But smoking is a big risk factor for atherosclerosis, which can also cause calcification in the arteries and can cause you to have back pain. So reducing smoking can help with that, but also just decreasing inflammation in the body as well. So that’s an important piece.

Avoid stress

Also avoiding stressful situations for your back, which could be mental stress or physical stress. If you have a big deadline at work, that can cause mental stress, which can cause you to change your posture, causing more stress on your back. It’s important to take micro-breaks, especially if you’re going through an 8,10, or 12 hours/work day. Take those breaks to either lie down decompress or get a glass of water or even just close your eyes and meditate. So those are the coping mechanisms to help with your back strain or sprain.


When you are suffering from a back strain or sprain, you may find it very difficult to sit in one position for a long time. It can also put your active lifestyle to a halt. 

Are you feeling back pain? Well, that could be a back strain or sprain. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get your first phone consultation with us or even an in-person consultation where we can take a look specifically at what you might have.

Whether it’s a back sprain or strain or whether it is nerve related or joint-related. We have the experts to help you figure out and diagnose your back pain.

You can schedule an appointment with our San Francisco chiropractor to get correctly diagnosed. Your first treatment is included.

Does Chiropractic Help? Yes, it helps with these 3 health concerns

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A common misconception about chiropractic care is that the practice isn’t an authentic medical treatment. I would like to set the record straight by saying that chiropractors are designated as physician-level providers. This means that they are medically trained to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.


The ACA estimates that chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans annually for a range of health concerns. Three in every group of four people describe chiropractic care as very effective. What top health concerns are among those that ail the general population, and how do chiropractic adjustments address these? Keep reading to find out.

Who Should I See For Back Pain?

Your first choice should be to look for a non-surgical treatment that focuses on spinal manipulation and mobilization. We now know that chiropractic adjustments can restore the mobility of joints that get restricted due to tissue injury. As we’ve previously discussed in A Blessing for Back Pain Relief, this tackles the root of the problem of back pain — which can be either a stuck joint, a muscle sprain, or a strain.

An estimated 40% of Americans with lower back pain or more than 7.7 million people would rather see a chiropractor than a medical doctor. This is because the latter’s specialty would be the management of pain through the prescription of muscle relaxers, pain relievers, and inflammatory reducers. The former enables our body’s self-healing process without medication or surgery.

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Can Chiropractic Care Help Quick Smoking? 

Experts have found that smoking contributes to lower back pain. Chiropractors encourage their patients to quit smoking to manage body pain and much more. Additionally, Tobacco Free Life explains that the knock-on effect resulting from back pain and poor posture encourages smoking for stress relief. Addressing back pain medically, therefore, will reduce stress and discourage smoking behavior.

The effect isn’t direct, of course. However, when combined with evidence-based approaches to quitting smoking, it can be easier to avoid relying on cigarettes. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)—like the nicotine patch, gum, and lozenge—is proven to increase your chances of quitting. Prilla notes nicotine pouch use is growing throughout the US as a discrete means to consume nicotine in moderation. This smokeless “modern oral nicotine category” similar to nicotine gums and patches can be used in public spaces like the office where back pain tends to flare up.

Chiropractic adjustments can help you get rid of back pain that leads to nicotine cravings. Thus, slowly decreasing the reliance on nicotine.

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.


Another epidemic in the US is the growing rate of obese adults and children. Surprisingly for most, chiropractic treatment addresses this in different ways by tackling the root cause. By not simply treating symptoms, it seeks to prevent future weight gain.

First is by moderating communication between the brain and the digestive tract, through spinal manipulation. This regulates the physical appetite for food while simultaneously reducing body and back pain due to excess weight.

Otherwise, Gym Trends 365 emphasizes that chiropractic care improves athletic performance by making daily movement more comfortable. This encourages exercise and other physical activity, which many obese people with pain tend to shy away from. The resulting production of serotonin can then induce a cycle of healthy diet and exercise habits.

As a form of holistic care, chiropractic treatment doesn’t just care for a current issue in isolation. A traditional chiropractor looks at a patient’s whole body and how everything interacts. This holistic view shows them how body pain can have a cyclical relationship with things like obesity or smoking behaviors. They should thus be treated together and not separately.

Whether it’s your brain, muscles, nerves, skin, or even your emotions, chiropractic treatment aims to keep every part working so that you can feel better. For more information on chiropractic care, check out our other blog posts at Truspine

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.


Acupuncture and Its Benefits

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In the case of various health issues, people first try standard therapies. Then, people switch to alternative medicine when these therapies fail to give the expected results. There are several forms of alternative medication practised today. In this article, we will discuss the concept, process, and benefits of Acupuncture in detail. Let’s begin with the idea of Acupuncture.

What is Acupuncture, and How Does It Work?

Acupuncture uses thin needles put into different places on the body called acupuncture points. These points lie along Meridian pathways that carry Chi or energy to other body parts. Acupuncture works to unblock those areas where the power may be stagnant because of illness or injury or some chronic disharmony in the body. It allows the body to function naturally by restoring the balance that was once there.

To experience the benefits of acupuncture, schedule an initial consultation for evaluation and first treatment.

Relief after an Acupuncture session

After an acupuncture session, the body becomes highly relaxed. It resets the nervous system and puts you in a more parasympathetic state than a sympathetic one. Sometimes you will feel sleepy; sometimes, you may have more energy. It depends on the cause of the treatment on that day.

Immediate Effect and Time Required for Relief or Improvement

Acupuncture often generates an immediate effect experienced as body relaxation and better sleep that evening. However, in some cases, patients who have chronic issues and delay treatment may require therapy for a longer period. For example, if you visit the acupuncturist with back pain you’ve had for five years, it’ll take several sessions for recovery. Some people feel much better after one or two treatments. Usually, results are expected within four to six weeks. Your consistency with treatment will determine the final result.

How Long Does the Effect of Acupuncture Last?

It simply depends on what you’re coming in for. In most cases, the effects of Acupuncture can be permanent after a few sessions, or it can require maintenance. Initially, it is necessary to visit an acupuncturist regularly until the symptoms don’t come back. Experts usually recommend weekly visits for about four to six weeks until your symptoms aren’t returning. In case of signs return after some period, the maintenance and upkeep wellness visits can help the patient. You can visit monthly or maybe seasonally for such a purpose.

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Dos and Don’ts After an Acupuncture Session

After the acupuncture session, patients must listen to their bodies. People coming in for physical ailments must avoid doing exercise or activity involving that particular body area. Those who come for detox are not supposed to drink alcohol. Experts usually ask people to drink lots of water after Acupuncture. They also suggest resting if they can and resting if they feel like it. If you must go on with your work and are tired, you’ll be fine to drink a coffee if you need to.

Preparation for First Acupuncture Session

You need not prepare much for Acupuncture. Many patients try to wear loose clothing, which is not necessary. Experts ask people not to come on an empty stomach or complete, just somewhere in between. There is no strict rule of eating much or less before Acupuncture to make or break the treatment.

During the first session, experts have an in-depth conversation with patients about what they’re coming in for and their medical history.

Then, the patients are asked to get on the table so that experts can take their pulses. Then the other diagnostic measures are done, such as palpation of the abdomen, neck, and other body areas. After that, the expert will begin the treatment by starting slowly. The expert will ask you to inhale and exhale with the first couple of needles. Some people are susceptible to Acupuncture, whereas others are not sensitive.

Frequency of Acupuncture Sessions

Unless someone is extremely ill, at an advanced age, or has a child, the experts say you can’t overdo it with Acupuncture. Acupuncturists usually recommend a cadence of once a week. However, it is undoubtedly acceptable to do more than that. Typically, people proceed with that speed whenever they’re first starting. 

Comparison Between Acupuncture and Physical Therapy

Comparing acupuncture with physical therapy, people recover very quickly from acupuncture. Even though the recovery depends on the injury, physical therapy seems to be a long-term process. Acupuncture immediately relaxes the tight muscles in acupuncture Points. And it also allows the body to function the way it did before the injury. Physical therapy chips away bit by bit. Acupuncture will expedite your process. Physical therapy is essential, and most people opt for it. But, you will get a lot quicker results if you also do Acupuncture.

Who Can Opt for Acupuncture Therapy?

Everybody can benefit from acupuncture therapy. However, acupuncture is not done on kids younger than five to seven. And also, if you’re at an advanced age, it will be very light. There are no other parameters than age to get Acupuncture done. Being too young, kids don’t need this therapy. And the older people are too weak to have a lot of Acupuncture done. But people with ages anywhere in between can opt for this for anything. It may be a cold or flu, a sore neck or back, allergies, indigestion, anxiety, etc.

Process of Acupuncture Session at True Spine

Before Acupuncture Session

  • We begin with an in-depth conversation when you come for your first acupuncture treatment. You can share any pertinent information that you feel is important for us, along with your medical history and reason for coming.
  • We ask you many questions about things that might seem unrelated to what you’re coming in for. Acupuncture strives to treat the entire person. Anything from your past life is perhaps significant to what you’re coming in for.

To experience the benefits of acupuncture, schedule an initial consultation for evaluation and first treatment.

During Acupuncture Session

  • After that, we will let you get comfortable on the table and will begin the treatment with a diagnosis. It includes Chinese pulse taking and palpitation of the abdomen. Depending on what you’ve come for, the neck, sometimes the feet, or different areas.
  • If you’ve come for physical pain, we’ll take a good look at the body’s structure. The way you stand and your neck or arm moves(if it’s a separate issue).
  • Then we will begin the treatment by giving you the breathing cues. So you inhale, we insert the needle, and you exhale. We’ll continue needling till all of the hands are in. We’ll continue the treatment depending on how nervous you are that day.
  • Usually, people start to feel nice and relaxed and fall asleep at the table. Some of them get to a pleasant meditative state. Then we let you rest in the room with the lights off, warm bed, and feet heater on for about 20 minutes.

After Acupuncture Session

  • We leave you with a button in case you feel uncomfortable. You can press the button, which will alert us to come in and check on you. So after 20 minutes, we return and get the needles out. We check in with you to see how you’re feeling, and you’ll be on your way.
  • At True Spine, we make sure you’re entirely comfortable. We allow you to understand what was done that day and what you can expect in the upcoming days. We’ll give you that briefing before you leave. We’ll tell you when we want to see you again, and you’ll be on your way.

Benefits of Acupuncture

The benefits of Acupuncture are far and wide. It is helpful for pain relief, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Experts do work with allergies, fertility, and the digestive system. Let’s look at the following benefits of Acupuncture for various health issues.

  • Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture is widely studied for fertility and can be beneficial on many levels since it regulates hormones. If stress is the factor, it relaxes the patient. It can also build an endometrial wall if that is a factor. Several factors lead to infertility these days. Acupuncture can also be done with IVF for people looking to get pregnant naturally.

  • Acupuncture for Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Other Body Pain.

Pain is one of the most common reasons people seek out Acupuncture. Some people suffer from upper back and neck pain due to poor posture. Few others suffer from low back pain due to exercise or injury. Acupuncture works to relax these muscles and decrease inflammation. There’s another form of Acupuncture called trigger point acupuncture. It is more effective at relaxing tight muscles and gives excellent results.

  • Acupuncture for Nausea and Vomiting

Acupuncture is perfect for all sorts of nausea. It’s good at relaxing the vagus nerve. It helps those who have a vagal response that often causes them to be nauseous or dizzy. Other reasons for nausea can be related to how your digestive system works further down the line. It decreases inflammation in the intestines and helps the digestive system function smoothly.

  • Acupuncture for Migraine and Headaches

Acupuncture is excellent for migraines and headaches. People have a lot of tension at the back of their heads or eye strain due to looking at a screen. Acupuncture is excellent for relaxing muscles around the back of the neck and the eyes. We can deal with the hormones; whose imbalance is causing a headache. So Acupuncture works for multiple factors causing a headache.

  • Acupuncture for Anxiety 

We’re all overworked and stressed out these days. Everyone’s nervous system is on a high. So we do a lot of Acupuncture to decrease the sympathetic response from the nervous system. Acupuncture is also excellent for depression. It helps to relieve long-held emotions and helps the body and your mind in processing. You often feel much lighter and much more relaxed after an acupuncture session.

  • Acupuncture for Insomnia

We treat insomnia with Acupuncture by regulating the nervous system of people. They are overworked and constantly on the go, and it’s difficult for them to turn it off at night. We also work with the adrenals in this state. It’s difficult for the adrenals to get on a regular rhythm, which interrupts the circadian rhythm. When melatonin increases at night, cortisol is still very high. It won’t allow melatonin to turn on and will help you to turn it off and go to sleep.

  • Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture can decrease the way your brain thinks of the stimulus. So it will allow you to eat only when you are hungry. Acupuncture also allows the digestive system to function more smoothly. You can process your food effectively. You don’t have all the bloating, constipation, and toxicity build-up from a sluggish digestion system.

  • Acupuncture for Sciatica

Sciatica is one of the main reasons people come in for Acupuncture. The piriformis muscle becomes highly tight due to poor posture or injury. This is where the sciatic nerve runs through the glutes. We can relax the piriformis muscle around that nerve and decrease the nerve pain. In addition, the imbalance of the sacrum bone, which is at the base of your spine, also often leads to sciatica. Acupuncture can realign the sacral joint to avoid pressure and further imbalance.

  • Acupuncture for Sinus

Acupuncture is excellent for sinus issues. If someone has chronic sinusitis, it decreases the inflammation in the sinuses. It also allows the body to process the flame more effectively. So, in case of an allergy, it will help with the histamine response. If it’s a chronic inflammation of the sinuses, it will decrease the inflammation and flame produced in response to that inflammation.

  • Acupuncture for Stress

If you’re coming in for any ailment, we always work with stress-relieving points on you. It’s straightforward to relax the nervous system and feel euphoric after Acupuncture. It’s one of the best benefits of Acupuncture and one of the main things we see in almost all of our patients.

Risks Involved with Acupuncture

  • Pneumothorax

The puncturing of the lung is the most significant risk for Acupuncture and is called pneumothorax. Since the needles are thin, they do a very tiny puncture. In that case, you would have blue lips and a bit of difficulty in breathing. You would also need to go to the hospital. So, pick the acupuncturist wisely who knows what he’s doing.

  • Nerve Damage

Choose your acupuncturist wisely to avoid the risk of nerve damage. Correct placement and depth placement of the needle should never damage a nerve. But it can happen if you have somebody that does not know what they’re doing.


Now you are aware of the concept of Acupuncture and its benefits. You can opt for Acupuncture as a remedy for any of the above health issues. You will get the best acupuncture treatment with True Spine.

Are you dealing with pain, injury, or inflammatory conditions? To experience the benefits of acupuncture, schedule an initial consultation for evaluation and first treatment.

Chiropractic Treatment: A Blessing for Back Pain Relief

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Many of you might have experienced back pain in your life at least once. Being an unpleasant situation, we try to eliminate it as soon as possible. Today, we will know about types of back pain conditions and Chiropractic Treatment for back pain relief.

Back Pain and its Types

We can separate back pain into two broad categories: upper back pain and lower back pain. Doctors consider upper or mid back pain as one part and the other one as lower back pain. Both types of back pains require different treatments.

Some of the specific back pain issues include facade syndrome, disc herniation, lumbar sprain strain, day-to-day backaches due to sitting for a long time, sleeping incorrectly, and other reasons. These issues are treated differently with chiropractic or acupuncture techniques.

Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain

The majority of the people suffering from back pain want relief from it and hence choose chiropractic treatment. It is a non-surgical treatment that focuses on spinal manipulation and mobilization. The theory behind this treatment is that the proper alignment of the spine, muscles, and surrounding structure enables our body’s self-healing process without medication or surgery.

Chiropractic treatment is an alternative method for patients suffering from pain in their joints, muscles, connective tissues, bones, and tendons. This treatment uses the manipulation technique to restore the mobility of joints that get restricted due to tissue injury caused by some reasons.

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Chiropractors v/s Regular Doctors

Patients suffering from back pain have two primary options: visit a regular doctor or go to the chiropractor. There is a difference between a regular doctor and a chiropractor because the regular doctor falls under conventional medicine, and the chiropractor comes under holistic medicine.

In conventional medicine, doctors prescribe a combination of muscle relaxers, pain relievers, and inflammatory reducers. These medicines usually help the patient manage the pain, but they do not necessarily cure it. At the same time, chiropractors go to the root of the problem, which can be a stuck joint, a muscle sprain, or a strain that they focus on.

How does Chiropractic Treatment work on Back Pain?

There are a few different ways in which chiropractors treat the back pain of patients. The use of chiropractic adjustment for specific joints is one of these ways. HVLA technique or high-velocity low amplitude thrust technique is used to unstuck the particular joint. To identify these sticky joints, expert chiropractors use the feel or touch approach.

The other techniques used by chiropractors include the Graston Technique, which is a soft tissue technique. They also use the active release technique, which involves manual therapy. Knowing where the inflammation has formed and which joints are stuck is important for this Treatment. Chiropractors use the palpation technique for this purpose. Once they are aware of the root cause to focus on, the treatment is provided to the patient accordingly.

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

Number of sittings and duration required for Treatment-

This is a major concern for almost all patients with back pain. Most patients want to recover soon so that they can enjoy their life again. The number of sittings required for treating back pain and the duration of recovery differs from person to person. The reason behind this is the severity, and the delay in starting the treatment is different in each case.

Chiropractors try to provide relief from back pain at the earliest. In the case of chronic back pain, the time required for recovery is more than the general backache. The number of sittings needed is more in such cases. Some people have an assumption that they have to visit a chiropractor for a lifetime, which is wrong. You can stop the treatment once you feel the relief and the chiropractor gives you some exercises for a future course.

Advantages of Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain-

Chiropractic treatment provides you with many health advantages and relief from back pain. Some of the chiropractic benefits are as follows-

Relief from neck pain and back pain-

Chiropractic treatment relieves patients suffering from back pain and neck pain. Chronic pain takes time to recover, but this treatment helps to achieve good results.

Non-surgical treatment-

Chiropractic treatment is a non-surgical option available for back pain and joint pain patients.

Help in treating Scoliosis-

The abnormal curvature developed in the spine is known as Scoliosis. This causes abnormal posture and back pain. Chiropractic treatment helps in treating patients with Scoliosis.

Relief for patients with Sciatica-

The sciatic nerve gets damaged due to some pressure and causes severe pain from the lower back to the legs. This condition is referred to as Sciatica. Chiropractic treatment provides relief to patients with Sciatica.

Helps in reducing inflammation-

Chiropractic treatment reduces inflammation and provides relief to patients.

Helps in joint pain and muscle tension-

After getting chiropractic treatment, people suffering from joint pain and muscle tension experience relief.

Improved athletic performance-

This benefit is more inclined towards the sportspeople or athletes. Chiropractic treatment improves the performance of sportsmen and athletes.

Side effects of the Treatment-

Like other therapies, some patients experience side effects after having chiropractic treatment sessions. These side effects include extra soreness in the area of pain, inflamed muscle, and pushback in the joint. In such cases, chiropractors always recommend at-home palliative care. It includes stretching and icing, which helps manage pain after treatment sessions.


Now we have understood the concept of chiropractic treatment and how it provides relief for back pain. Being a non-surgical treatment, it avoids further health issues. Thus, we can say that- ‘Chiropractic treatment is a Blessing for patients suffering from back pain.’

To get to the root cause of pain and discomfort, schedule an initial consultation, including a comprehensive evaluation and first treatment.

Famous Sports Celebrities Who Beat Back Pain

One of the first things a lot of people do when they realize they’re dealing with back pain or injuries is seek out others who have had similar experiences. Back pain is one of those things you don’t mess around with or handle casually; there are usually a few options as to what to do about a given problem, and it can be reassuring – or simply educational – to get advice from a chiropractor you know or trust.

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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Do I Have Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction?

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Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a condition characterized by the improper movement of the SI joint. It usually begins with the instability of the pelvis and low back. Pain can radiate from the back to the legs and imitate sciatic nerve pain. The pain caused by this condition is called sacroiliac joint pain.

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